Saturday, April 28, 2012

Update: Mark Weyerhauser

It's 7:00 PM in Middleworldia and Dr. Rein Pudding has not turned up, though her ex-husband Maynard said (via Communico-Rug), "Has anyone looked in Chile?"

Meanwhile, somebody thinks Mark Weyerhauser may be another alias for Al Kessler.

Mark Weyerhauser: Antichrist?

Yesterday I chatted with Hailstorm by Port-A-Fone and found out that Dr. Rein Pudding has been missing for three days. She's not in her office, at her country retreat, or even at the tepidarium (spa). This is a pretty big deal because Dr. Rein Pudding is one of very few wealthy, educated "straights" willing to step forward and openly do battle with those cold-blooded Sodomites, the Anunnaki.

Not long after coming out of the closet, "The Amazing" James Randi--curmudgeonly mouthpiece for the reptile overlords if there ever was one--contacted Dr. Pudding to say that her days were finally numbered, that her time was running out, and, "the dark lord, Mark Weyerhauser, will grind you to a sticky paste under the heel of his foot-shoe." (He said all this, presumably, while bending spoons--which he's very good at.)

That was March of 2011, or thereabouts, and because nothing seemed to come of it (and Randi often "talks out of his blustery ass"), Dr. Pudding let her guard down. She told Hailstorm, "I've not heard the name Mark Weyerhauser in any of the ordinary circles. Perhaps he is a digi-bot, or a [clone]."

Now we're scrambling.

If anyone knows where Dr. Rein Pudding is, or has intel on this Mark weyerhauser character, they need to contact Hailstorm through the usual channels, or email me at

(Pictured: Mark Weyerhauser?)

Just Call Me Ear-Angel of the Morning, Baby

This is the offending organ from 3:00 AM, or so.
There is something creepily "off" about it.
Can't put my finger on it.
On the bright side, however, I do seem to be back in my body. Thank Jezus for that.

Time for Larry Fishburne's Buns of Gloryhole (TM)

I looked at my last blog, then a picture of an ear, and I ate dark rye bread, toasted with rapberry jam--tasted geat--and yet I think I'm actually out of my body. Bind in one eye and I seem ti be dodging random blobs of colored light  Where do these... oh, nevermind

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rense & Makow: Shit Just Got Real

On his Friday show, radio bigmouth Jeff Rense announced his courtly love for bitter misogynist Henry Makow, PhD. Both men met at a DNA clinic in 1997, where they were cloned from tasty host organisms. If marriage results, Rense will share Makow's "Dr." title. This is Rense's ninth cloning, Makow's eighteenth public buggering. When asked about the possibility of [cloned] children, Dr. Makow said, "Goddamnit, I'm a space lizard!" Pal David Icke, having a tug behind the curtain, blatantly disagreed.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Have Yourself a Merry Little Pancreas

Possibly, Obama's Clone Army is real... and GROWING.

This scene played out on Wednesday, behind the Lincoln Memorial, in DC:


So, KT showed me the spot where Mom's precious life was stolen from her. Just a black smudge on the tarmac, really. I would have thought it would all be blood-red, still, but I suppose blood darkens when it's left in the open, doesn't it?


Sure. Probably.


It's just... horrible.


As executor, as her favorite son, you know, I feel kind of bad that I missed the funeral. A bit selfish, actually. I had an appointment with the hypnotist—really want to kick this smoking habit—and I have to believe that Mom would have thought it was important, too. Fuck, I'm becoming a clone.

[He lights a cigarette.]


Thank you for doing this, John.


It's not a problem.


Didn't you two used to date? KT was saying something on the way over. It's cool. I think it's cool. She's not exactly a mutt, if you know what I'm saying. Her father's side of the family has good genes—all the women over there have fine asses, like my sister.


I'm going to go to bed shortly. Tomorrow is Saturday, after all. Don't want to miss that. Got to paint my face.


Rock on. I'll see you after I'm cloned. I'll be three of me and you'll all be fuckered.


Big day tomorrow, yeah. We meet with the President at nine-thirty, JJ, so you'll want to get plenty of rest, yourself. Again, John, thanks for putting him up. It means a lot.

Mars for Dummies

Dr. Rein Pudding shared a picture of what Cydonia looks like to your average Mars explorer. Lots of monuments and bloody sacrifices, as well as stimulating fauna--your science teachers lied to you.

Be sure to visit Monkeytown and the Wall of Pride.

One hundred percent TRUE.

The Lord's Work

Dr. Rein Pudding told me today, "You were one of the first warriors to tackle the evil Bush regime, back in 2005, with your comic-strip. Good for you."

In fact, the RIZZO strip was co-created by Chr_s R_seley, or should I say, Ch_is _iseley, and he deserves at least half as much credit as I do.

Chr_s and I put a spotlight on the 9-11 lies in twenty newspaper markets.

"You guys deserve an award of some kind."

Yes we do. Especially me.


The first thing this twat says is, "Join my Twitter feed," and then, this:

The sun is angry and may be dying [See: Shocked Scientists Ask: Is The Sun Is Dying?] Earth is beginning to feel its wrath. More than any other factor it is the turbulent, unpredictable sun that drives the planet's meteorological and geophysical events.

More at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sirius, Where Dachshunds Go

Dogs contemplate death, and are saddened by it, so scientists are now telling us. Thing is, our African friends have been telling us the same thing for years.

The Dogon people, originally located in Belgian Congo before being transplanted to Madagascar, were visited by the Space Cousins many times through the centuries. The Space Cousins, great ancestors to Earth's canids, hail from Sirius, the dog-star (and for which the Dogon named themselves). "They have long snouts and floppy ears," Dogon fetish priest G!to P!at!o told NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in 1963, "and they fly around in silver fish, and come to rest in pools of barfing lava." This information is easily available online.

Cave paintings indicate that the Space Cousins were like upright weiner dogs, with long torsos and stubby legs. "They travel five to a fish," according to P!at!o, "and they have soft fur everywhere but on their bottom places." The last time the Dogon were visited by their stellar friends was in 1916, when influenza rocked the dark continent.

"Our memory of them is traditional, passed down from generation to generation. But the time of the Great Return is before us, in less than fifty years." Speaking in 1963, the priest was probably identifying 2012 as the Big Year. "They will grieve for humankind and the pets, too. They will come and take us away, to Sirius, and we will be treated like royalty, eating well, playing fetch, and never knowing another death."

Scientists [probably] believe that the Space Cousins are going to do battle the Anunnaki, this year, in the skies over Africa. Watch the Heavens!

Planet Dustin Byfuglien

Dr. Rein Pudding has been advising me not to feel one way or the other about anything, no matter how big or small.

"Just observe and be impartial. Don't get angry. Don't get excited."

Something is in the works. Something I shouldn't have any opinion about.

First of the Lizard Men

It is worth pointing out that just as the Lizard People walk among Us, so too may We walk among Them. In fact, it could be said that Yours Truly was the First to pull this off --albeit in the form of a comic-strip character named Bill (who is a human underneath a reptile's veneer, exactly mirroring the villains taking the lead in the world's current predicament).
How's that for prescience, Mr. Dickworth?

The Silver Smear, Maybe

My secret informant, Dr. Rein Pudding, has recently opined that the Silver Legion (.org) is pure disinformation. And then Hailstorm stepped forward to say that maybe Dr. Rein Pudding was perhaps too quick to judge.

"Let's not jump the gun on this one. Allow me to ask around," Hailstorm said today, via email. "I'll get to the bottom of this."

In the words of the Silver Legion (.org):

We are an organization of mostly-non-physical Lightwarriors, based out of a higher-layered realm. We are dedicated to helping further the cause of freedom across the multiverse, and dedicated to defending and protecting others so that they can follow their own paths free of those who would dominate or control them.

In her defense, Dr. Rein Pudding has never let me down, except for the time she suggested that Dick Cheney was one of the good guys--a sixth-octave Angel playing the part of the villain purely for illustrative purposes. That was a pretty big goof, now that I think back on it.

11 from 42

Now they're saying Time isn't really a dimension, which means that our 11-dimensional Universe is actually just a 10-dimensional Universe. It's a minor technical distinction, to be sure--since the [entirely hypothetical] 42-dimensional model, for instance, now has only 41 dimensions, and the 16 is left with 15, et cetera, because most of the multi-dimensional models have always counted Time as one (1). Now it is zero (0).
As my friend, scientist BG Tripletan-Berger put it, "Instead of thinking of Time as a course, like roast beef or mung beans, you must think of it as seasoning, like salt." Or even Thyme.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Morons of the Aquarian Age

The people who snort and fuck their cousins and go "hyuck" when laughing are very real.
Today, up at Choiceland, a Co-Op truck carrying nerve-destroying fertilizer concentrate pulled up to the gas bar and two sheep-romancers wearing stained bib-coveralls climbed out, chuckling like third-grade fart sniffers. The chemical stench was noxious. One of the sheep-fuckers said, "Can you smell the anhydrous [ammonia]? Yup, we got us a big leak. Hyuck!" His buddy went, "Whoop!"
Golly-gee, it sure was funny as shit.
After they filled up with diesel, off they went, up Main street, through town, spraying poison all over the place.
Anyway, these guys (and gals)--also known as "Sheeple" for their mating choices and herd mentality--make up half of America, so it's no wonder things are the way they are. The reptiles continue playing their hypotic riffs and everyone walks along in their sleep.
As my father would say, Lord, love a duck!

His Implants

"Three days ago I broke a right upper molar while enjoying some cashews — ah the pitfalls of the third density life. I spat out a tooth fragment along with a very small metal ball that resembled the bigger metal balls that have lately been falling out of the sky (see linked picture)...."

The rest of this fantastic tale can be found here:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lies and Damn Lies

Piecing the grand mystery together is difficult to the point of nigh impossibility, so if anyone tells you they have all or most of the answers, unless that person is me, you ought to back slowly away. You might be sharing the room with a sex- and power-crazed reptile, and things will only end badly (or ambiguously).

A few truths that we will repeatedly explore here:

1.) The universe has eleven dimensions, and the upper seven are hidden from the lower four by a yellowish envelope of fog;

2.) The Earth's moon is littered with alien debris, including lizard-made hats and dwellings*;

3.) God enjoys an occasional game of Craps;

4.) The once-hollow Earth is (probably) full of antimatter and ecto-morphic slime; and,

5.) You cannot trust anyone because everything is a fable.

*Yes, that is supposed to say "hats and dwellings" (and not "huts and dwellings"). There are an astonishing number of saurian skull-shaped helmets, derbies and fedoras left lying about on Luna's dark side, indicating some kind of Anunnaki graduation party, or the like. This information can easily be found online.

One Serving of Wormwood Blazes

Planet Nibiru is pretty much the one reason the Straights don't take us Conspiracy Nuts very seriously, these days. Every time we make a few good points--the Iraq invasions were based entirely on thick stacks of lies, Obama is a shill for the NWO, and chem-trails will mutate your DNA, for instance--some moron at the back of the room stands up and hollers, "Planet X is going to tear us a new asshole!"
I want to distance myself from that guy. He is spoiling everything. For every two converts we pull toward the light, he causes three to return to slumbering darkness. Screw him.
Here is wisdom: There is no Nibiru. Take my word for it. I know a lot of extremely secret shit, being one half of an acclaimed cartoon team, and I can assure you that no rogue planet is bearing down upon us. That's just stupid.
On this blog I am only going to talk about real stuff, like 11-dimensional ghosts and lunar hoaxes. The important shit. I'm completely qualified to dispense this info. You can trust me.

Who is Me?

I'm one half of a creative team that has, via comic-strip, protested the enslavement of our species for five of the last seven years.

2009 and 2010 were a total wash-out, I admit, flavored mostly with depression and morphine, but 2011 saw a glorious return to form, and 2012 looks like it's going to be a slow-burning powder keg of righteous upheaval.

Rock the fuck on.