Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lies and Damn Lies

Piecing the grand mystery together is difficult to the point of nigh impossibility, so if anyone tells you they have all or most of the answers, unless that person is me, you ought to back slowly away. You might be sharing the room with a sex- and power-crazed reptile, and things will only end badly (or ambiguously).

A few truths that we will repeatedly explore here:

1.) The universe has eleven dimensions, and the upper seven are hidden from the lower four by a yellowish envelope of fog;

2.) The Earth's moon is littered with alien debris, including lizard-made hats and dwellings*;

3.) God enjoys an occasional game of Craps;

4.) The once-hollow Earth is (probably) full of antimatter and ecto-morphic slime; and,

5.) You cannot trust anyone because everything is a fable.

*Yes, that is supposed to say "hats and dwellings" (and not "huts and dwellings"). There are an astonishing number of saurian skull-shaped helmets, derbies and fedoras left lying about on Luna's dark side, indicating some kind of Anunnaki graduation party, or the like. This information can easily be found online.

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