Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mark Weyerhauser: Antichrist?

Yesterday I chatted with Hailstorm by Port-A-Fone and found out that Dr. Rein Pudding has been missing for three days. She's not in her office, at her country retreat, or even at the tepidarium (spa). This is a pretty big deal because Dr. Rein Pudding is one of very few wealthy, educated "straights" willing to step forward and openly do battle with those cold-blooded Sodomites, the Anunnaki.

Not long after coming out of the closet, "The Amazing" James Randi--curmudgeonly mouthpiece for the reptile overlords if there ever was one--contacted Dr. Pudding to say that her days were finally numbered, that her time was running out, and, "the dark lord, Mark Weyerhauser, will grind you to a sticky paste under the heel of his foot-shoe." (He said all this, presumably, while bending spoons--which he's very good at.)

That was March of 2011, or thereabouts, and because nothing seemed to come of it (and Randi often "talks out of his blustery ass"), Dr. Pudding let her guard down. She told Hailstorm, "I've not heard the name Mark Weyerhauser in any of the ordinary circles. Perhaps he is a digi-bot, or a [clone]."

Now we're scrambling.

If anyone knows where Dr. Rein Pudding is, or has intel on this Mark weyerhauser character, they need to contact Hailstorm through the usual channels, or email me at

(Pictured: Mark Weyerhauser?)

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